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About US

Hengyang kangheyuan sporting goods Co., Ltd. is a young enterprise specializing in badminton production and sales. ​ The company has its own feather flake production base and badminton production base, truly realizing a one-stop industrial chain from raw wool acquisition to badminton processing, providing a strong guarantee for product quality and a strong driving force for the rapid development of the company. At the beginning of its establishment, the company firmly and clearly positioned itself to provide customers with high-quality and low-cost badminton products by using its own professional quality. We have extensive and good feather resources. We have a professional and strict quality control system. We have more than 20 years of production management experience We regard the small badminton as a work of art to elaborate. We regard quality as life and devote our whole life to pursuing. We firmly believe that we can......... We can... "Wecan"... "Viking" company regards customers as God, truly regards customers as their parents, and has formulated a series of policies to protect customers' interests: 1. only one dealer is set up in each region to prevent vicious competition. 2. strictly prohibit fleeing goods and stop disorderly competition. 3. set the minimum retail price to ensure the profit of customers. 4. once the problem products are confirmed, they shall be returned and replaced under guarantee to reduce customer risks. In the past few years, due to the excellent product quality and the dependence on customers, the company's business has developed rapidly. Its products are sold well all over the country and exported to foreign markets, creating an industry miracle. We are well aware of the endless pursuit. There are days outside the sky and mountains outside the mountains. We will move forward without fear of difficulties and dangers. We make friends with you through small badminton. We look forward to creating a better future with you

Brand origin

Martin Luther Kim has a famous saying: "I have a dream"! One night a few years ago, two young people who had nothing came together. They had a common dream in their hearts. They have used nearly 20 years of professional insight into the entire badminton industry. They compare it to a pyramid. They saw that a few big brands at the top of the pyramid are unique and the price is high and domineering; They also saw the good and bad of many small brands at the bottom of the pyramid and the price of life and death, struggling.

They deeply know that due to the natural characteristics of feathers, the badminton industry is even more complex and difficult to control than the rocket and aircraft majors they studied in their universities. More practitioners are impetuous and eager for quick success and instant benefit. More factories focus on sales rather than management, profit rather than quality. Disorderly repeated production wastes limited feather resources. Feather supply exceeds demand, and the price rises again and again, which directly leads to the soaring price of badminton and the increasing expenditure of badminton friends. However, the quality of badminton is declining day by day, even shoddy.

At this time, an idea came into being. They wanted to use their professional knowledge and conscience to produce a real badminton with high quality and low price to supply the vast number of consumers. They firmly believed that "we can", so "wecan< Viking >" and a new brand was born!

Over the past few years, they have bowed their heads and worked hard in obscurity. They know that they have never gained anything for nothing, let alone become famous overnight. They have poured sweat into the brand. They really regard customers as their parents, empathize with customers' complaints, patiently listen to them and immediately make targeted improvements. They do a good job in every ball, and they should make sure that no one has what I have, and no one has what I have! Hard work pays off. Over the past few years, the Viking brand has been recognized by more and more people and developed faster and faster. From south to north, from east to west, it has attracted the attention of most peers.

A large badminton dealer in Guangzhou said, "it is a miracle that the Viking brand has developed to its present scale in just a few years, and there is no fake!" We are soberly aware that arrogant soldiers will be defeated, and we are also well aware of the philosophy that the height is invincible. We will continue to move forward step by step as always... Our goal is to create the largest profit space for customers and provide consumers with high-quality and low-cost products. Professional! attentively! We can!!